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Vi ses til Umbraco DK Festival 2025.

Til Umbraco DK Festival 2024 kunne du opleve

Filip Bech-Larsen - CTO at Umbraco

Filip Bech-Larsen

CTO at Umbraco

Bolette Kern - Product Manager, CMS, at Umbraco

Bolette Kern

Product Manager, CMS, at Umbraco

Callum Whyte - Umbraco & Microsoft MVP at Bump Digital

Callum Whyte

Umbraco & Microsoft MVP at Bump Digital

Jannich Ibsen - Microsoft MVP & Head of Architecture and Cloud at Kraftvaerk

Jannich Ibsen

Microsoft MVP & Head of Architecture and Cloud at Kraftvaerk

Eric Frost - Junior Developer at Umbraco

Eric Frost

Junior Developer at Umbraco

Rebecca Davies - Head of Digital at ALCM Design

Rebecca Davies

Head of Digital at ALCM Design

Thomas Martinsen - Microsoft AI MVP & Senior Director, Technical Evangelist at VENZO

Thomas Martinsen

Microsoft AI MVP & Senior Director, Technical Evangelist at VENZO

Lotte Pitcher - Developer Advocate at Umbraco

Lotte Pitcher

Developer Advocate at Umbraco

Kenn Jacobsen - Principal Engineer at Umbraco

Kenn Jacobsen

Principal Engineer at Umbraco

Pil Byriel - CEO & Co-founder at Develop Diverse

Pil Byriel

CEO & Co-founder at Develop Diverse

Jan Skovgaard - Senior Frontend Developer at twoday and Umbraco MVP

Jan Skovgaard

Senior Frontend Developer at twoday and Umbraco MVP


Balticagade 12D
8000 Aarhus


Headless, commerce, Copilot og nye releases er blot nogle af emnerne, du kan se frem til at høre om på dette års Umbraco DK Festival.

Umbraco DK Festival er en heldagskonference, der samler det danske Umbraco community til en dag med fokus på alt det nye inden for Umbraco. 
Vi er mere end 100 deltagere og dermed den største konference for det danske Umbraco community. Det er et fantastisk sted at opbygge og vedligeholde relationer, samtidig med at du bliver faglig klædt på i alt det nye inden for platformen.

Uanset om du er en af de mange, der har deltaget før, eller ny i verdens måske venligste fællesskab, så håber vi, at du har lyst til at være med!



8.30 - 9.15
Registrering og kaffe, croissanter & frugt
9.15 - 9.30

09.30 - 10.00
Going Headless with Commerce and Nuxt
Eric Frost
Junior Developer at Umbraco

Have you been thinking while looking at the Content delivery API and Management API, "wow, that's neat. I wonder how it can be used with my favorite front-end framework" well do I have a journey for you to experience.

This talk is primarily about how I used the capabilities of the Nuxt framework in conjunction with the Storefront API's from Umbraco Commerce and how it solved different use cases, you commonly see when working in a headless commerce solution. 

10.00 - 10.10
Kort pause
10.10 - 10.45
Build your own Umbraco Copilot
Callum Whyte
Umbraco & Microsoft MVP at Bump Digital

AI Copilots are all the rage - but none quite offer that personalised butler service SciFi told us we might one day have.

Imagine crafting your Umbraco content types and having properties auto-created for you... This session moves far beyond the chat box AI experiences we have seen to-date, and shows how you can build your very own Umbraco Copilot!

Learn how to leverage Azure's OpenAI Service and Semantic Kernel in .NET to create a custom AI Copilot! We will see how to train our own custom Codex model, for generating code and commands to perform bespoke tasks against a non-public API, plus some innovative ways to glue this together with a nice user experience.

You will leave feeling excited about the power of custom Copilot, and armed with the knowledge to build your own for pleasure or profit!

10.45 - 11.00
11.00 - 11.30
An Editing Journey: Umbraco for Architecture
Rebecca Davies
Head of Digital at ALCM Design

Delve into our Umbraco award-nominated website collaboration with architecture firm Northern Design Partnership. We'll focus on how we created a bespoke user editing experience featuring model customisation and more through Umbraco.

11.30 - 12.00
Digital accessibility: Let's fix the six
Jan Skovgaard
Senior Frontend Developer at twoday and Umbraco MVP

Have you heard about the six most common accessibility issues but aren’t sure how to tackle them? This talk breaks down each issue and offers clear, practical examples to help you fix them.

Learn simple steps to make your website more accessible and improve the experience for all users. Join us to see how a few adjustments can make a big difference.

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 - 14.00
Keynote: The Umbraco of Past, Present and Future
Filip Bech-Larsen, CTO at Umbraco & Bolette Kern, Product Manager, CMS at Umbraco

Join Filip, the CTO of Umbraco, and Bolette Kern, Product Manager, CMS at Umbraco as they talk about where Umbraco is now, and where it's heading. v14 brought us the New Backoffice and the new "Extension First" architecture. v15 will have been out for a week so we'll hear what this release brings, as well as what is in the roadmap for v16 and, perhaps, beyond.

14.00 - 14.15
14.15 - 14.45
Awesome new features in V15
Kenn Jacobsen
Principal Engineer at Umbraco

In this session, we'll have a look at three new features in V15: Block Level Variation, API Users and API Members. Expect lots of demos and code sharing! 

Block Level Variation introduces a whole new way of editing Block based content. With this, Block Editors can maintain a common structure across all variants while still supporting variant content at property level. 

API Users allow for utilising the Management API in a machine-to-machine setting. This means we can build and run integrations against the Umbraco API out of the box, using the tech stack of our preference.

API Members lets us query protected content from the Delivery API in a machine-to-machine setting. This can be quite handy in a setup where end user authentication is decoupled from Umbraco.

14.45 - 15.15
Kaffe og kage
15.15 - 15.45
Why settle for .NET 8 when you can struggle with .NET 9?
Thomas Martinsen, Microsoft AI MVP and Senior Director, Technical Evangelist at VENZO & Jannich Ibsen, Microsoft MVP and Head of Architecture & Cloud at Kraftvaerk

Join us for a fun, demo-packed exploration of the new features in .NET 9 and C# 13!

In this session, we'll dive into the latest updates, showcasing performance improvements, cloud-native integration, and fresh C# capabilities. Expect live demos highlighting real-world scenarios. Whether you're looking for a smooth transition or ready for a challenge, this presentation will offer something for everyone - delivered with a good dose of humor.

Come see why .NET 9 is worth the ‘struggle’!

15.45 - 16.15
Building Inclusive AI: Addressing Bias in LLM
Pil Byriel
CEO & Co-founder at Develop Diverse

We explore the challenges of bias in large language models (LLMs) and why you should care.
Everyone talks about GenAI, but few understand how to use it really well to solve everyday problems. Yet many try anyways and often fail!

Over the last 1,5 years, Develop Diverse has trained LLM on bias concepts and annotated large amounts of data. Pil will take us through some of the learnings along the way and share best practice to ensure bias doesn't affect the quality of outcome of our LLMs, at least not without understanding the consequences of it. 

16.15 - 16.45
Fast-track to Customising Umbraco’s Backoffice
Lotte Pitcher
Developer Advocate at Umbraco

Are you curious about what it takes to customise the new backoffice?

Get familiar with the technologies on this fast-track to extending Umbraco 14+.
Lotte will demonstrate some shortcuts to getting started and then walk us through migrating some v13 extensions to the modern era.

Spoiler alert: It’s easier than you think!

16.45 - 17.00

17.00 - 18.30
Fyraftensøl, vin og netværk

“Den perfekte combo af ny viden og netværk”

Umbraco DK Festival 2024 er afholdt

Er du nysgerring omkring festivalen i 2025, så er du altid velkommen til at kontakte umbdkfest@kraftvaerk.com 

Arrangeres af:








Hvem står bag Umbraco DK Festivalen?

Umbraco DK Festivalen 2024 er arrangeret af Kraftvaerk og twoday - i samarbejde med Umbraco.

[ENG:] Can I be a speaker?

Yes! If you want to speak at this years Umbraco DK Festival, please fill out the Call for speakers’ here. Note, deadline is September 6th 2024.

Hvem henvender Umbraco DK Festivalen sig til?
Umbraco DK Festivalen henvender sig til udviklere, der til daglig arbejder med Umbraco som platform, eller som skal til at arbejde med Umbraco.
Hvad koster det at deltage?

Det koster 900,- DKK (ekskl. moms) pr. person at deltage i Umbraco DK Festivalen. Men er du hurtig, kan du få billetterne med Early Bird-rabat, så de i stedet koster 550,- DKK (ekskl. moms) pr. person.

Hvor afholdes Umbraco DK Festivalen?

Dette års Umbraco DK Festival afholdes hos Dypång på adressen: Balticagade 12D, 8000 Aarhus. Find lokationen på Google Maps her.

Hvordan med parkering og offentlig transport?

Dypång ligger ca. 15 minutters gang fra Aarhus Banegård. Alternativt kan du tage Letbanen L1 eller L2 hen til Dokk1 og gå de sidste meter derfra. Kommer du i bil, anbefaler vi parkering ved Dokk1 (tættest på) eller Bruuns Galleri (tæt på banegården). Bemærk, at al parkering er betalingsparkering.

Hvis jeg har madallergier eller lignende?

Har du allergener eller særlige kostbehov, vi skal tage hensyn til på dagen, så send en mail med navn, kontaktoplysninger samt kosthensyn til umbdkfest@kraftvaerk.com. Vi skal have besked herom senest d. 6. november 2024 - ellers kan vi ikke garantere, at vi kan tage hensyn.

Hvordan afmelder jeg mig?

Bliver du forhindret i at deltage, bedes du kontakte umbdkfest@kraftvaerk.com hurtigst muligt. Vi gør opmærksom på, at sene­ste mulighed for afmelding er d. 6. november. Herefter kan du ikke få refunderet din billet.

Jeg har flere spørgsmål

Har du et spørgsmål, som ikke er her på listen, så tøv ikke med at sende det afsted til os på umbdkfest@kraftvaerk.com, så vil vi forsøge at besvare det hurtigst muligt.




Prags Boulevard 89, 4. sal
2300 København



Gærtorvet 1-5
1799 København V
CVR 29973334